Blast from the past

After about one year, they finally started to remove my photos from the walls of the Asian-Afrika-Institut, where they were exhibited since May 2014. Because my latest efforts are not ready to be shown yet, I figured I might as well present the “Shanghai Civilized Park”-series here (again).

"Shanghai Civilized Park" is not a real park, but an awaard granted to a number of parks in Shanghai, which always proudly display this sign at the entrance. Promotion of "civilized" behaviour was part of the campaigns in the run-up to the Expo 2010, which was held in Shanghai.
“Shanghai Civilized Park” is not the name of a park, but an award granted to a number of parks in Shanghai, which always proudly display this sign at their entrance. Promotion of “civilized” behaviour was part of the campaigns in the run-up to the Expo 2010, which was held in Shanghai.

Keeping up the work

Old building beeing torn down near the center of Yukuhashi.
Old wooden building beeing torn down near the center of Yukuhashi.

While it seems that nothing is happening here on this page, this is only partly true. Behind the scenes I’m busy working on the two projects I undertook in Japan near the end of last year.
One is a documentary on the Japanese tea ceremony. Already the negatives look promising, but it will be some months before I can show them in public, because there is still an enormous amount of editorial work to be done and since the photos were taken in a private setting, I will need the ok of all the people involved.
The other one are shots taken on the streets of Yukuhashi, like the one on top of this post. Even these shots will need some rudimentary attention before they are ready to be presented, but I guess showing a random snap here from time to time will do no harm.

Question of language…

… is decided. Apparently setting up a multilingual homepage with WordPress is not as straightforward as I would have liked it to be (i.e. it would be a pain in the butt).

Since for now I still want to continue using WordPress to run the site, writing in English is the only way to keep the site accessible for my international friends (as well as the German ones).

Billboard in the southern outskirts of Yukuhashi.
Billboard on the southern outskirts of Yukuhashi.


Ready for take off…?/Under construction

Das letzte Foto, das ich im Dezember in Japan geschossen habe.
Das letzte Foto, das ich im Dezember in Japan geschossen habe.

Jetzt ist es also doch passiert. Obwohl ich im Moment beschäftigt genug bin, habe ich eine Domain gemietet und möchte versuchen eine eigene Website aufzubauen. Fürs Erste werde ich hier nur herumspielen und an den Knöpfen drehen, bis alles “passt”. Eventuell bedeutet das später auch noch einen Wechsel des Content Management Systems, falls sich herausstellen sollte, dass WordPress der Aufgabe (im Wesentlichen statische Bildergalerien abgeschlossener Projekte und gelegentlich einen aktuellen Post) nicht gewachsen ist. Erwartet also noch radikale Veränderungen hier.

Neben dem Zeigen meiner eigenen Fotografien und der Vorstellung von Teilen meiner Forschung zur chinesischen Fotografie ist ein weiteres Ziel dieser Homepage, für meine Bekannten erreichbar zu sein, ohne auf Facebook oder ähnliche Datenkraken angewiesen zu sein. Mit dem Start dieser Seite werde ich meinen Account bei Facebook in einigen Tagen löschen.

And about the language? Ah, even that has not been decided yet.