Aura of Life in Motion

Some plants with an “Aura” near the tracks of Hasselbrook S-Bahn station.

Stumbled upon this some time in autumn of last year when waiting for the train. At first I couldn’t figure out what made this strange auras appear on the wall behind the small plants, but an arriving train showed clearly how it happens: The sudden movement of air caused by passing trains makes the plants swing back and forth, which keeps the dirt and grime normally staining the concrete wall from settling in the places touched by the plants.

Phil & Ju

phil-juSomething a bit different from the usual style. This photo of Phil & Ju was taken through the narrow window in the closed door to a long corridor, with sparse light coming only from a window at the far end of said corridor. The view is slightly tilted because the camera was raised and the shutter released in a hurry to get the scene before their outlines would fill the frame of the window.

Empty shelves

Empty shelves during a fire sale in the drugstore on Wandsbeker Marktstraße. (1)
Empty shelves during a fire sale in the drugstore on Wandsbeker Marktstraße. (1)

In the last few days a not yet officially anounced decision by the government to update the civil defence plans (last time changes were made during the cold war) caused some stir on the internets. Among other things it is now recommended to keep enough food and water in your place to last for a week or so. This got some to think of russian tanks rolling westwards and others to warn of fear mongering. But even without this scenario it should be kept in mind how vulnerable modern/digital society is, for everything depends on working electricity and data connections. This includes the supply chains of supermarkets and other stores, and thus reminded me of this frames I took a few weeks ago. They don’t show the effects of society collapsing though, just the last day of a fire sale to clean out the inventory of a drugstore before renovation.

Some more empty shelves during a fire sale in the drugstore on Wandsbeker Marktstraße. (2)
Some more empty shelves during a fire sale in the drugstore on Wandsbeker Marktstraße. (2)
Even more empty shelves during a fire sale in the drugstore on Wandsbeker Marktstraße. (3)
Even more empty shelves during a fire sale in the drugstore on Wandsbeker Marktstraße. (3)