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Lu Xun park (鲁迅公园): Public dance group.
Fuxing park (复兴公园): Kongzhu – chinese Diabolo.
Lu Xun park (鲁迅公园): Calligraphy done with water from the lake. Once the water evaporates, no trace is left of the writing.
Fuxing park (复兴公园): Lunchtime nap on a bench.
Huangxing park (黄兴公园): Having a break under the trees near the lake.
Heping park (和平公园): Storage space for boats in the southern part of the park.
Lu Xun park (鲁迅公园): Mere seconds after he screamed “I got one”, dozens of curious people surrounded the angler and the young guy helping him with a handnet.
Lu Xun park (鲁迅公园): People watching others play cards.
Fuxing park (复兴公园): Watching another game of cards.
Jing’an sculpture park (静安雕塑公园): Children at play. Every five minutes or so, a guard would appear and yell at them to get off the statues.
Zhongshan park (中山公园): An old woman with the group of cats she regularly feeds.